Marilyn and Garnet Boles are two self-reliant twins who survive by making online web-content for a fee. When local young adults write in to talk about their lives, Marilyn and Garnet make videos with poems and songs to ease their apocalyptic angst. Just lately though, Garnet has been getting more and more morose – featuring poems from Byron and Yeats, excerpts from Revelation and his own dark imagination. When a repairman called Gerald Devlin, who says he is their landlord arrives to fix the roof, Marilyn enjoys having a laugh and a flirt with him. But Devlin is not all he seems and both Marilyn and Garnet struggle with how to find a way forward for both their own, and the planet’s, future. Drawn from interviews with local Penrith schools Blaxland High School, Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School and Kingswood High School, The Doomsday Twinspublic showing was directed by Jane Phegan, performed by Mansoor Noor, Anjelica Murdaca and Adam Lee, with dramaturgy by Shy Magsalin produced by Rowan Bate for Q Theatre.
NOTRE DAME Brandenburg